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求生100天,Hundred Days of Survival How to Thrive in the Wilderness


Living in the wilderness is an exciting and challenging experience that can test one's survival skills. If you find yourself in a situation where you need to survive for a hundred days in the wilderness, you need to have the knowledge and skills essential for your scavenging, hunting, shelter building, and cooking. Here are some tips on how to thrive in the wilderness for a hundred days.

求生100天,Hundred Days of Survival How to Thrive in the Wilderness


The first step to surviving in the wilderness is finding resources that you can use to sustain yourself. When scavenging for resources, start looking for reliable sources of food, water, and shelter. Search for bodies of water such as streams and rivers where you can obtain freshwater to drink, and be sure to have a water purification system. Learn to identify edible plants although be careful as some can be poisonous. You can also scavenge caves or natural crevices to provide shelter. Gathering wood is also important to keep warm, as well as for cooking food.


The next step is hunting. Learning how to hunt is essential as it can be a great source of protein. You can use different methods such as spearfishing or trapping small game like rabbits and squirrels. If you are in an area with larger prey like deer or elk, learn how to create traps and snares to catch them. Always make sure you have the proper equipment for hunting, including a reliable weapon and sturdy hunting knife. It is also important to know how to clean, gut, and cook your catches properly.

Shelter Building

Building a shelter is essential to protect you from the elements and to help you stay warm and dry. Look for areas with good natural cover such as caves or rocky outcroppings and begin building walls and a roof. You can also build a shelter using the materials found in the woods such as branches, vines, and leaves. Learn how to tie a knot correctly to construct a sturdy shelter.


Being able to cook your food is crucial, as raw food can contain parasites, bacteria, and diseases. Learn how to start a fire using different methods, including a flint and steel, and be sure to collect firewood before the sun sets. You need reliable utensils and pots for cooking over the fire. You can cook your food over a stick or spit, making sure you turn the meat regularly. Don't forget to season your food with plants or spices from the wilderness.

Other Skills

Other skills you need to know include orienteering, first aid, and how to deal with emergencies. It's essential to know how to navigate through the wilderness using a map, compass, or the sun and wind direction. First aid can save your life from injuries or sickness. Carry a first aid kit and learn how to use it. In emergencies, you need to stay calm and act smartly to avoid making the situation worse.


求生100天,Hundred Days of Survival How to Thrive in the Wilderness

If you find yourself in a situation, surviving in the wilderness for a hundred days is possible with the right mindset and skills. Scavenging for resources, hunting, building a shelter, cooking, and knowing other essential skills are crucial to make your experience comfortable and safe. With the knowledge and skills you learn, you will be able to thrive and survive even in the harshest conditions.